Amendments to the Utah Clean Air Act— Smoking In Private Establishments: Protected Right or Public Threat?


What is a protected right? Many opponents of smoking bans feel that they are entitled to certain rights or privileges when in reality what they claim as rights are not rights at all. This article describes the conflict between smokers and non-smokers and the debate of amending the Utah Clean Air Act to include a ban on smoking in all establishments, private or public. Through exploring the benefits of Clean Air policies, and national smoking ban court cases, this article will define whose rights are being violated, the establishment owners or those exposed to second hand smoke. The Author concludes that the rights being violated are those of the Non-Smoker and that the debate is not a smoker’s rights issue but a health issue. Thus smoking should be banned in all locations where the public congregates.
How to Cite
. Amendments to the Utah Clean Air Act— Smoking In Private Establishments: Protected Right or Public Threat?. Hinckley Journal of Politics, [S.l.], v. 7, feb. 2017. ISSN 2163-0798. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 oct. 2024.
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