Land Exchanges and Public Lands Bills in Utah


Public land debates are some of the most divisive in Utah and throughout the American West, where vast portions of states are publicly owned. Disagreement often arises over whether to set land aside for recreational, scenic, and ecological purposes or open it to extractive development, such as for oil and gas. Different agencies with divergent mandates only cloud the situation. Among possible solutions, especially when dealing with school trust lands, which checker state maps, are land exchanges and county lands bills. By examining numerous studies, a wide range of perspectives, and past examples, this research seeks to weigh the merits of these approaches. Ultimately, the paper suggests land exchanges and county lands bills provide balance in conserving Utah’s land while providing for economic growth and public education funding. These methods should be used as important land management tools, providing more benefits than disadvantages to Utah’s land and people.
How to Cite
. Land Exchanges and Public Lands Bills in Utah. Hinckley Journal of Politics, [S.l.], v. 14, may 2013. ISSN 2163-0798. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Student Papers


Politics; Public Lands; Land Exchanges; Utah