Indigenous Healing


1) Provide a historical background for understanding how the dissemination of European diseases, food, animals and ownership/use of land affected indigenous people's health across multiple tribes in North America. 2) Understand the role that herbal medicines play in indigenous healing rituals and ceremonies and barriers to harvesting traditional medicinal plants. 3) Understand the dietary, regulatory and land use barriers that affect indigenous people, especially those living on reservations---and their impact on indigenous diseases, mental health and alcoholism today. 4) Demonstrate how a spiritual leader and medicine man works with a tribal member to integrate traditional healing rituals with conventional medical care. Understand how to provide healthcare to an indigenous patient with greater sensitivity and understanding of their unique history and challenges. 
How to Cite
. Indigenous Healing. Proceedings of the Utah Integrative Health & Resiliency Conference, [S.l.], feb. 2016. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 29 mar. 2025.
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