
In Heidi Camp's monologue, Anne, we learn of the struggles of one mother dealing with the traumatic mental health problems of her daughter. Camp discovers that her daughter has become increasingly isolated from the world, and has turned to self-mutilation and suicide attempts in order to alleviate her mental and emotional suffering. Camp then describes her own experiences of isolation, alienation, and helplessness while dealing with the situation. The unfortunate reality is that this story, and others like it, are not isolated incidents or rare occurrences. As the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reported: "[m]any children have mental health problems that interfere with normal development and functioning. In the United States, one in ten children and adolescents suffer from mental illness severe enough to cause some level of impairment." Additionally, the juvenile admission rates to mental health facilities "have rapidly escalated over the past several decades as well." But not every child is lucky enough to have a parent catch the signs of their mental distress, as evidenced by another HHS statistic: "in any given year, it is estimated that [only] about one in five children receive mental health services." First, this Note will discuss the prevalence of mental illness among youth in the juvenile justice system. Second, it will explore possible programs that might help states better deal with these issues. Finally, it will examine the approach taken in Utah, and the successes of that program.  
How to Cite
. JUSTICE IN THE DARKNESS: MENTAL HEALTH AND THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM. Journal of Law and Family Studies, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, dec. 2009. Available at: <https://epubs.utah.edu/index.php/jlfs/article/view/235>. Date accessed: 03 mar. 2025.
Monologues and Commentary